TBW Journal
Leave It Better Than You Found It
At the BICYCLE WORKSHOP, we got behind Palisades MTB (PMTB) and became the driving force with the organization to move the ball forward. Sterling Forest State Park was the first project for which PMTB found traction and immediately the shop dedicated resources to getting trails built.
Can you remember your very first cycling experience?
It’s incredible how indelible memories from childhood can impact life’s decisions.
Bikes, Friends, and Adventures
At the WORKSHOP, we pride ourselves in the statement on our webpage that states, “WE DO MORE THAN JUST SELL BIKES”. In our spare time, we ride them and find new adventures on our bikes.
Raising the Bar
Our bike bar offers you a comfy seat and if you’re thirsty while you wait, you can grab a free freshly poured cider or beer. You don’t need to go to Moab or Sedona to experience a world-class bike shop. It’s right here in New Jersey, minutes from NYC.
What drives us?
At the Bicycle Workshop, our desire to better serve the community as just a local store has shifted into offering niche services, and products, and being advocates for more places to ride safely.
TBW launches our new Custom bike program
It’s been a while since anything really big has happened to us at the WORKSHOP. It is never really quiet at the shop but sometimes it’s a little uneventful. At least it seems that way to the public.
What is a Mountain Biker?
A lot of riders come through the shop either to buy bikes, repair them, or to learn what the BICYCLE WORKSHOP is all about. We meet people from different parts of New York, New Jersey, and much farther. We ask them all kinds of questions like what kind of riding they do they like to do, what types of trails do they like, and most of all, why they share our passion for cycling?
No Hibernating Here
When we took over the shop on March 1st, 2014, we wanted to make a better bike shop, grow the cycling community, and grow the stoke for the sport that we love. As it turns out, we stopped riding together because someone has to be in the shop to run it. This year, we drew the line. Not only did we need a break, we needed one together. So we packed up our gear and headed to Winterbike 2018 in East Burke, Vermont.