TBW Journal

Shepard Grinker Shepard Grinker

A new year and a new start

All of our friends and community know that 2017 was a crappy year for a lot of reasons. We couldn't wait to put it behind us. Yes, business was up, our community was growing stronger, and we found our niche in a turbulent retail market, but for personal reasons, we couldn't enjoy our success the way we should have. When life outside the shop is hard, it's hard to get excited about bikes, product, and technology the way we have before. 

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Titanium bicycles Shepard Grinker Titanium bicycles Shepard Grinker

Titanium and Friends are for life!

As fairly new bike shop owners, we have been searching for brands that work well with the store and Seven Cycles popped up on the list. Seven’s staff is made up of ex Merlin employees and owners and is still located in Watertown, Massachusetts not to far from Somerville.  

We are proud to have partnered with this company with such an amazing legacy in the business.  

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Shepard Grinker Shepard Grinker

Dream Bikes Sold Here

Have you ever walked out to the garage (or guest bedroom depending on your level of insanity) to look at your new bike in the middle of the night? When you’re obsessed with bikes like us, you go through this process daily, sometimes hourly. 

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